
2024-07-30 00:00:00 深圳泽安生物医药有限公司

  • 潜客宝显示,近日,深圳泽安生物医药有限公司完成13000.00万元的A轮融资,投资方为高瓴创投、启明创投、龙磐投资、险峰旗云、顺为资本。

  • LTZ Therapeutics is an immunotherapy-focused biotech company pursuing the development of novel therapies to improve clinical outcomes in patients with cancer and other diseases with an unmet clinical need. With main operations in Palo Alto, California and Shenzhen China as well as a team out of Heidelberg Germany, LTZ is dedicated to developing immunotherapies capable of overcoming resistance and boosting anti-tumor immunity based on reverse translational science and emerging biology of tumor microenvironment. LTZ是一家全球化生物技术公司,针对癌症及其他存在明确未满足临床需求的复杂疾病,开发免疫治疗原创新药,系统提升患者临床获益。公司的国际化团队分布于中国深圳、美国加州帕洛阿尔托和德国海德堡。基于反向转化科学和新兴的肿瘤微环境生物学,LTZ致力于开发既能克服耐药和复发、又能增强抗肿瘤免疫力的下一代免疫疗法。

  • 招聘范围主要集中在深圳,主要招聘经验要求为5-10年。

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