
2024-08-15 13:07:46 港交所(深圳)控股有限公司

  • 港交所(深圳)控股有限公司
  • 港交所(深圳)控股有限公司是香港交易所集团于2019年12月23日在深圳前海注册成立的全资子公司,并在上海设有分公司。港交所(深圳)控股有限公司致力于整合香港交易所集团于中国各地业务资源,实现标准化工作流程,提升效率,促进业务创新,从而全面协助集团发展内地业务,实现集团的战略目标。 香港交易所集团是全球化的金融市场营运机构。透过设于香港的总部和伦敦的枢纽,为股本证券、大宗商品、定息及货币等多种资产类别产品提供世界一流的交易及结算服务。 HKEX (Shenzhen) Holding Company Limited, registered in Qianhai, Shenzhen on December 23, 2019, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the HKEX Group, with a branch in Shanghai. HKEX (Shenzhen) Holding Company Limited integrates business resources across China, standardisesze working process, improves efficiency, and promotes business innovation, aiming to assist the HKEX Group as itto develops business opportunities in Mmainland China and achieves its strategic goals of the whole groupglobally. HKEX Group is a international financial market operator in the world. From itsthe home in the financial hub of Hong Kong and an additional base in London, HKEX Group provide world-class facilities for trading and clearing securities and derivatives in Equities, Commodities, Fixed Income and Currency.。

  • 招聘范围主要集中在深圳、上海,主要招聘经验要求为5-10年,学历要求为本科的岗位。

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